
Lilypie Pregnancy tickers

Lilypie Pregnancy tickers

Thursday, May 20, 2010

is this a rant?

i would ask you to tell me something...but you never seem to have time to
……….. so i'll simply tell you
i never thought
………..i could do better………..than him
i never imagine I could
… . . . . want more
………..dream of………..………..………..more
………..…. . . desire
………..………..… . . demand
………..………..………..………..……….. more
of myself………..………../ ………..…………..or him

i saw myself as I saw them
and never imagine I could have
………what they
my mother………..………..or hers………..………..or hers
but rather that this was………..………..what happened

………you stayed
...………..………and loved
………..………..………..and accepted what you could get

between the lines
………..………..of lies and stories
………..perhaps the truth

………..………..but really what were holydays
………..………..………..………..………..………..……….. without tears

i figured this was my fate

to simply sate their desires………..………..………..and
………..………..………..for them
………..………..………..………..to satisfy

but i’ve never been the patient kind

and so ……..………..……….. i ………..………..……….. left
and told myself
it was ok

to want more
………..………..dream of………..………..………..more
and maybe one day


or not

perhaps not

(i can want more alone)

and maybe words can satisfy that more too
and i can woo my words
……and play with my word
………..………..………..………..… w

and watch them…….g
………..………..in to more than i ever dreamed

could be
and that would be enough
that could satisfy
me more
than i learned

ever could

perhaps words
would heal me

1 comment:

  1. is this a rant??? OH and a message for you...

    so it appears that my phone just sucks. ANY WHO, I went to the third floor. Both of their doors were locked, lights out. There was nothing on the doors indicating office hours either... what else would you like me to try??

    k bye
